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Caring For Our Environment

- Posted on: 20/06/2024 -

Our Team were out and about again today on their weekly litter picking.

All of the team commented on how much cigarette butts they found today which was more than normal.

Did you know!!!!

Dumping cigarette butts improperly and not disposing of or recycling them can have significant negative impacts on the environment, public health, and the economy. Here are some key reasons why it is bad:

Non-Biodigradable: Most cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate, a type of plastic that can take years to decompose. This results in long-term pollution.

Cigarette butts contain toxic chemicals like nicotine, arsenic, and heavy metals, which can leach into soil and water, harming plants, animals, and aquatic life.

Cigarette butts can be recycled to recover valuable materials such as cellulose acetate. Some companies and organizations have developed processes to recycle these materials into products like plastic pallets and park benches.

Wildlife Harm:Animals can mistake cigarette butts for food, leading to ingestion of toxic substances, which can be fatal or cause serious health issues.

Water Pollution:When cigarette butts are washed into waterways, they release toxins that can contaminate drinking water sources and marine environments, posing health risks to humans and aquatic life.

Fire Hazard: Carelessly discarded cigarette butts can ignite fires, especially in dry areas, leading to wildfires and property damage.

Cleanup Costs: Significant resources are required to clean up cigarette litter from streets, parks, beaches, and other public areas. This can strain municipal budgets.

Tourism Impact: Areas heavily littered with cigarette butts may be less attractive to tourists, potentially impacting local economies that rely on tourism.

Waste Reduction: Recycling cigarette butts helps reduce the volume of waste that ends up in landfills or the environment, contributing to a more sustainable waste management system.

Improper disposal of cigarette butts is harmful to the environment!  

We all need to play our part.


