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Team Thursday

- Posted on: 13/06/2024 - Eliza

Team Thursday

Welcome back to our #TEAMTHURSDAY slot where we take the opportunity to showcase one of our rising stars here in the Talbot Hotel Clonmel.

Today, we want to introduce you to Eliza Badyna

Eliza is our ‘queen of the laundry’ 😊

Sometime ago the hotel moved away from using an external Laundry company and decided to service all the hotels own laundry in-house which was done as a major sustainability move. As you can image this is a very important role and takes a lot of organisation.

You will find Eliza based back of house, making sure everything is kept in tip top shape, whether it be preparing crisp white lines for the restaurant or ballroom, the hotel bedrooms, or even service cloths for the chefs in the kitchen.

When we interviewed Eliza for this little slot, we were delighted to learn so much more about our wonderful colleague.

Where are you from?

I am originally from Poland but now living in Clonmel.

How long have you worked in the Hotel?

I have been working in the Talbot Hotel Clonmel since July 2023, where I have been based in the Accommodation department.

What is your favourite thing about working at the Talbot Hotel Clonmel?

My favourite thing about working here is that I get to be around different people from different departments not only just in the laundry and accommodation teams. There is so many people from so many different countries working in the hotel which is brilliant. 

What are your hobbies when you are off and not working in the hotel?

My hobbies when I'm off from work would be baking at home delicious cakes and meals and going for walks with the family. I love getting away for few days with my family for a break, as I call it an escape getaway.

Tell me something about yourself?

I am a quiet girl who does her own thing, and without anyone else’s opinions.

I have a handsome husband who used to work in the Talbot Hotel Clonmel as a night porter and we have 2 beautiful girls who I adore and love really much.

I'm a young mammy who originally is from Poland and lives in Ireland for many years and I enjoy every minute of it.

On behalf of all your friends here in Talbot Hotel Clonmel thank you Eliza for being a super star 🌟 

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